Malacca OnLy tHe hiStOricaL place?

Malacca not only the historical place but also the flora and fauna place which are many places we can visit and experience it. Taman Buaya & Rekreasi Melaka Sdn Bhd (Melaka Crocodile Park) is an interesting place to enjoy. It impresses with the beautiful scenery of walkthrough Aviary Bird Park and various species Water Playground. Gadek Hot Springs so special because of the existence of a pool of hot water is always hot and is believed to cure various types of skin diseases.
 Want some enjoy? So come on guys let’s feel it!

Taman Buaya Melaka, also known as the Malacca Crocodile Park, has been in operation since July 1987. about 100 species of crocodiles and alligators from around the world and they are kept in an atmosphere that is almost equal to their habitat.  The following are the few species that can be found in Taman Buaya Melaka:
  • ·         Estuarine / Salt Water Crocodile / Crocodylus Porosus (Our Local Crocodile)
  • ·         False Gavial (Our Local Crocodile)
  • ·         Crocodylus Siamensis
  • ·         Spectacled Caiman
  • ·         Indian Marsh Mugger Crocodile
  •        American Alligator
Taman Buaya Melaka now have new attractions such as Malaysia In Miniature, Aviary Bird Park, Reptile House, Mamalia House and Water Recreation Park.


Hot Spring,Melaka

Gadek Hot Spring is located in Kampung Ganun, in the district of Alor Gajah, approximately 30km from the Melaka town.  containing hydrogen sulphide gas. The sulphur content is deemed safe for human skin and is believed to be capable of curing various types of skin diseases.
Gadek Hot Spring has two phases, where the first phase is open to public and the second phase is made specifically for spa and jacuzzi

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