Johor We Go!!

Hello readers =) okey next destination is Johor!!!

There are about 7000 species of orchid in Southeast Asia and Malaysia itself has about 3000
species of wild orchid species considered to be the best, most beautiful and have a high
aesthetic value. Orchid Garden located in Forest City was opened to the public in mid-2003,
Themed "Ecology Orchid Exhibition".  
For orchid lovers can go to Orchid Garden, Johor and
savor it!

The Orchid Garden is “Reputedly the world's largest tropical orchid farm with its dazzling colours, with beautiful and exotic orchids from 80 varieties."

It is also internationally recognized, with some hybrids registered with the World Orchid Society in London. Here, visitors can buy cut flowers or potted plants of exotic orchid breeds at very reasonable prices. 
The cool, fresh air and the scenic views with undulating hills in the backdrop are a welcome change for urban visitors. 

The farm consists of an orchid plantation,an educational corridor, a tourist centre and a research laboratory. Other facilities for visitors include a restaurant, a children's playground and viewing terraces. Waterfalls, lakes and fountains create a soothing ambience, and a tram ride around the farm lets visitors enjoy the breathtaking sights in comfort.

The spectacular array of colours, patterns and sizes has evolved over millennia to make them
more attractive to small insect pollinators and to take advantage of specific habitats.
 The flower structure of orchids gives them their character. Some are tiny and singular; others are elongated with numerous blossoms. 

The tiger orchid, the world’s largest at up to 3m, is a random but magnificent sight of hundreds of hefty yellowish flowers pockmarked with maroon blots.

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